15. Mr. D’z Route 66 Diner, Kingman, Arizona
Mr. D’z Route 66 Diner added frosting to this Route 66 experience in Kingman, Arizona. (Photographing the grounds of the El Trovatore Motel were put on hold until after dinner.) The bright pink and turquoise color scheme inside and outside Mr. D’z cheerfully greeted us:
Deceptively, this spotless building dates back to 1938, when the Kimo Cafe and a Shell gas station occupied the premises. During the 1980s these two businesses closed. Shortly thereafter, Mr. D’z Route 66 Diner opened for business in the building. The establishment contains all the features associated with a traditional roadside diner: booths, a counter with stools, and a window counter through which the customer can see the kitchen and the cook. Along with Route 66 memorabilia, the diner also boasts a real juke box. Definitely a 1950s feel!
I ordered a burger, fries, and Mr. D’z signature root beer– produced, I’m told, right on the premises.
Back to the El Trovatore Hotel!
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